I thought it might help to summarise why the mantra is important to all my clients. A mantra is just a few sentences that is your game plan. It is what you take to work each day, take to the sports arena, or use with your friends and families. Although the concept...
Havening is a very flexible tool and can be used therapeutically for a wide range of conditions. In this video I introduce simple concepts of self havening.
I was recently interviewed by Harry Pickens about how I use havening in poker, golf, and life. Here is the script, and a full audio version is also posted below. This interview will also be a chapter in Harry’s new book.
“At that time my poker career was stagnate. I was trying to juggle my psychology studies while at the same time trying to win enough from poker to fund my studies. It was a very stressful time in my life. I thought I was doing a stellar job at hiding my anxiety and stress. That was until Doc saw straight through it.”
I have known Rory for about three years, and during this time he has rapidly become one of the World’s top poker players, or ‘one of the least bad’, as he would say. Poker is a huge test of mind control, and Rory has made exceptional progress in this...
Probably not, but judging from his recent comments he easily could have read Push At Open Doors. In an interview with BBC, he talks about his steering wheel, which controls his car. You have a steering wheel too, which controls your life. Perhaps this wheel could also...
This is the curious story of the gullible weasel, and the quick witted bat. Planning and preparation works well most of the time, but sometimes we need to rip up the rule book and improvise. It might make the difference between life and...
The charcoal burner and the fuller lived in the same village and became friends. However there very different jobs placed a limit on their friendship. Whether this limit was real or imagined is the question? As usual with Aesop there are several different conclusions...
Sometimes a reward may not be what it seems. A badge of honour can in reality be a badge of dishonour to everybody else. You might say the vicious dog got what he deserved. Or you might feel sorry for him perhaps?
There is a popular saying that if something sounds too good to be true it probably is. I prefer to look on the bright side of life, and at least consider anything that looks good. On this occasion the mice were correct, and were not fooled by the cat’s clumsy...