Poker Coaching and How to Learn from the Pros
My Poker Adventure 10 years ago I took a major decision to change my career from being a conventional medical doctor to becoming a mind coach, and working with elite performers. Since then I have worked with many clients, and enjoyed the journey. However little did I...
Creativity is Our Greatest Gift
The main quality that separates us from all other species is our gift of creativity. Read this article by Dr. Stephen to find some ways to ignite more creativity in your life.

The Law of Attraction Made Simple
It does not matter whether you believe in the law of attraction or not. It does not matter whether you call it visualisation or self intention. The only thing that matters is that you use it. I am going to give you a very simple tip and will be very surprised if you do not find it helpful.

Law of Attraction & Entanglement
What is Quantum Entanglement? We continue our journey into the law of attraction and any possible relationship to quantum theory by considering quantum entanglement. Everything in the universe is made of sub atomic particles separated by huge amounts of empty space....
Poker Genius Book – The Back Story
This is the back story about why I wrote this book, why I think you should read it if you play poker, and the benefits that you might expect from it.

Tony Wrighton Interviews Dr. Stephen Simpson – Health, Wealth, and Vitality
I was interviewed by TV presenter and author Tony Wrighton about my work. Or was I interviewing him? Judge for yourself. Here is Tony’s description of our chat. Dr. Stephen Simpson is an Elite Performance Coach, medical doctor, and NLP expert who specialises in...
Great Coaches Don’t Speak Much
Try this simple technique to get the best performance on the day of the shoot. Just whisper one simple point for to think about before the red light comes on. Perhaps about posture, timing of a line, or a tiny eye movement. Read this article to learn more.

Determinism or Free Will is a Stark Choice
No free will? Think again. There are ways to make your own luck.