I blame the drugs

This post is the latest in a series narrating my experiences when researching and writing my book called Get Lucky Now. This series of posts will include excerpts from Get Lucky Now which is available on Amazon. This is the link –...

Zen and the Art of Confidence

Comfortable in my own skin Confidence is a belief in oneself, the conviction that one has the ability to meet life’s challenges and to succeed. It is a feeling of self-assurance that comes from knowing your strengths and weaknesses, and believing in your ability...

The Ultimate Goal Is Not to Have One

The Ultimate Goal Is Not to Have One At the risk of further muddying the murky waters, let me tell you what you might have already guessed: the ultimate goal is to have no goal at all. When one’s mind, body, and soul are seamlessly linked in the appreciation of the...

I am really certain what my goal is.

The Goal Setting Enigma You are really certain what your goal is? Or do you just think you are? My last blog ended with a few words about reality and illusion, and very blurry area in between. Dr. Sigmund Freud knew a bit about how our brains work and offered some...

The Law of Intention

The Law of Intention My book Get Lucky Now! is about how to get what you want the easy way.This blog continues the series of excerpts from Get Lucky Now. Spend a few minutes thinking about what’s missing in your life right now. What will it take to plug the gap?...