by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Podcasts
I offer a variety of coaching programs and rarely mention them in my blog. Some of my clients have been with me for years, and one of them has just won another event, and $110,00. There is one program which consistently delivers strong results. This is my coaching...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | NLP, Weekly Blog
Many people ask this question about NLP because they are searching for any tool that can bring them more success. Often it is enjoy closer relationships with people, to be more successful at work, to excel in sport, or to just be happy. To find an answer I interviewed...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
I am fascinated by the workings of our mind. I spend hours every day trying to understand even a little more about a subject which is largely beyond human comprehension. I came to the conclusion that the more I studied the more confused I became. It was time for me to...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
This just might be the most important blog I have ever posted. It is certainly the longest. If you can get even a small part of this concept it can change your life. It did for me. A large part of my work with clients revolves around peak performance and the concept...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
The brain hack millennial generation are the largest group who follow my work, and so when several of them give me the same message I listen to it very carefully. The millennials are the most multi tasking generation, with huge demands on their time and attention....
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
Anger is one of our primitive reptile emotions. In almost all cases it is destructive and an emotion to be avoided if possible. This is easier said than done because we are all human beings and share the same frailties. So how can we deal with another person who is...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
Many people struggle with meditation, and often give up. This is a great shame because meditation is just about the most healthy thing we can do for the health of our mind, body, and soul. I have been meditating for more years than I care to think about, and have...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Personal Development
Envy has been considered one of the seven deadly sins throughout history. Whilst this is true I just wonder whether it is possible to give the emotion of envy a little nudge and turn it into something far more positive? What do you think? This video might just give...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
I have been asked why nice people often get treated as if they were fools. This is a simple question, and yet the answer is rather more complicated. Are such people really nice, or do they want to please others? Are there any advantages to being a bit more assertive?...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
I get many emails and questions about motivation. Typically people want to know why they are not motivated, and what they can do to increase their motivation. This is a very easy question for me to answer, and this is what I say. Motivation is not your problem. The...