by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Mind, Weekly Blog
You have less control than you imagine. Control of our lives and the events that surround us is a very high priority for most people. We live in an uncertain world with many dangers and it is tempting to believe that much of this is within our personal control. The...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Mind, Weekly Blog
Human Genome Project. Many of my recent posts have been about how and why our brain comes up with such crazy ideas. Sometimes they can be illuminating ideas verging on genius, whilst at other times they are just plain stupid. The answers to these questions can be...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Mind, Weekly Blog
FIND FLOW AND THE ZONE FASTER AND STAY THERE LONGER. My last post proposed that creativity was our most precious gift, and closely related to the flow state. I had so many comments and questions about flow that I felt it would be a valuable subject to revisit. I have...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Mind, Weekly Blog
Do you control instinct, or does it control you? Instinct in animals is a subject that has always fascinated me. How do birds and fish navigate huge distances with pinpoint accuracy? How does a spider know how to construct its web? How do bees communicate navigational...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Mind, Weekly Blog
The Freud Enigma Is it possible that Sigmund Freud could have explained why we often make strange decisions? Freud is recognised as the founder of psychoanalysis and his work has played a huge part in the development of all subsequent talking therapies. He died in...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Podcasts, Weekly Blog
ADHD is subject of much controversy. I was recently interviewed on The Change Book Radio Show. The two presenters asked me many questions on a wide range of subjects including my views on ADHD. There is so much conflicting science about these types of conditions that...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Podcasts, Weekly Blog
Our final radio show and we saved the best for last! We talk about spontaneous remissions, healing and miracles. A review of the science and also some very unscientific things too! We discuss the increasing incidence of many types of cancer including prostate and...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | NLP, Weekly Blog
I am delighted to be a feature writer for The Best You magazine. I received some very nice comments about my last blog and the article about poker legend Chris Moorman. Here are other recent articles for your interest. Although they are all profiles of famous Sports...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
The latest batch of Get Lucky Now videos have just been posted. This series addresses the critical importance of Confidence. Confidence is hugely influential in getting lucky. Therefore it is no surprise that lucky people have huge confidence. Let me explain. People...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
The latest batch of videos have just been posted. From an early age you will have been told that that the harder you work, the more successful you will be. The sooner you can throw away this well-intentioned but mistaken advice, the sooner you will start to get the...