by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Luck, Mind, Personal Development
Artistotle said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” Without self-knowledge we drift, or even worse, we waste our time and energy on goals that are meaningless or beyond our control. Not much has changed over the last three thousand years.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Golf, Mind, Sport
People with vivid visualisation skills do extremely well, and fortunately these skills can be learnt. So whatever you wish to achieve in life be sure to put yourself in the picture.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Luck, Mind, Personal Development
Throughout history people have searched for profound insights through isolation and very often being rewarded. I wondered whether I could be one of them? My earlier experiences were not promising.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Mind, Personal Development
Watch this video, and you will discover why others do not always agree with you, how to connect more effectively with your pets, and much more too.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Luck, Personal Development, Podcasts
I was recently interviewed by for their radio show, asking me for career tips, and advice for helping people to find a job. Monster is a global online employment solution for people seeking jobs and the employers who need great people....
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Hypnotherapy
My personal history and the magic of hypnosis; how hypnosis works as a psychotherapeutic intervention; self-hypnosis (video included).
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | 3 Principles, Articles, Havening, Mind
Psychologist Carl Jung viewed luck as synchronicity, and described luck as a meaningful coincidence. So he, like me, believed that luck is not entirely random.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Luck, NLP, Personal Development
Learn how to unlock the magic of your unconscious mind using the power of writing. It can put us into a flow state, like the zone in sports or the groove that musicians describe. These are creative places to be in, because these are places where many successful ideas germinate and grow.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Personal Development
There are many examples of entrainment in nature. Animals synchronise their breeding cycles and sleep patterns. There is some evidence that humans do too – tapping tapping when listening to music, audience clapping together, etc. Entrainment is a good reason why meditation or deep reflective thought can be so beneficial, and how they might even magnify the law of attraction.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Personal Development
We share this planet with 8 billion other people. We are all different and it is therefore no surprise that we have difficulty dealing with some people. This is to be expected, and nothing will change this situation. The only thing we can change is the way we think...