Mastering the Mind
This week, The European published my interview with Chris Moorman. We discuss the psychological aspects of poker, the mental techniques that separate the good from the great, and how mastering the mind can be the ultimate edge in one of the world’s most competitive arenas.

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy
The problem is that we all live in a deluded world where we feel that our conscious mind is responsible for our success. But it is only when we can let go of this belief, and get out of our own way that we provide the fertile environment to ignite our peak performance. Then we find The Zone.

You Make Your Own Luck
Think lucky, and you just might get lucky!

Golfer Andy Wants to Cut 15 Shots Off his Score. Is This Possible?
Golfer Andy has responded to my video challenge and has asked for my help to cut 15 shots of his golf score. This will reduce his handicap from 24 to 9.

Live As If You Are Already Dead
Anjelika had a great first day in Amsterdam on her European Tour debut. She easily made the cut, despite being ill on Day 2. Coincidentally she and Miles Collins, another tour player, both find one of my comments helpful when playing golf.

Learning From Losing
To order to win, first you must lose, and sometimes many times over.

Fight Stress With Process, and Win
Focus on process and let the results take care of themselves. Consider your sport, and list ten daily processes that would define a successful day. Read this article on how this works to improve your results.

The Secret of Andy Murray’s Magic Year
Murray certainly did do something, because in the last year he has won a gold medal in the 2012 Olympics, won his first Grand Slam (US Open), and now Wimbledon. So what has changed? Murray found a new coach, Ivan Lendl, an enigmatic, tough, single-minded former tennis player who won eight grand slams.

Put Yourself in the Picture
People with vivid visualisation skills do extremely well, and fortunately these skills can be learnt. So whatever you wish to achieve in life be sure to put yourself in the picture.

The 10,000 Hours Myth
My clients are posting huge international successes, and these do not happen without a lot of effort by both coach and client. These are the two comments that recur time and time again in my discussions about luck to the point where they become worrying. The harder...
The Mystery of Coaching
If it is difficult to identify the best coaching techniques, it is even more difficult to identify a great coach.

Spend More Time in Bed and Less Time in the Gym
These days, athletes are spending more time daydreaming with their eyes closed and less time in the gym or on the sports pitch. They are not lazy, nor are they wasting their time. What they are indulging in is deep mental practice.

Visualisation – A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Visualisation is a very influential component for getting lucky. Here is another simple technique taken from my book Get Lucky Now that you can practice to see the big picture and attract more luck and success into your life.

Has F1’s Lewis Hamilton Read My Book?
Probably not, but judging from his recent comments he easily could have read Push At Open Doors. In an interview with BBC, he talks about his steering wheel, which controls his car. You have a steering wheel too, which controls your life. Perhaps this wheel could also...Dr. Stephen Simpson interviewed on the “Way of Will John” Podcast
Professional football player, William John interviews Dr. Simpson