by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Luck, Mind, NLP, Personal Development, Poker, Sport
This week, The European published my interview with Chris Moorman. We discuss the psychological aspects of poker, the mental techniques that separate the good from the great, and how mastering the mind can be the ultimate edge in one of the world’s most competitive arenas.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Poker, Sport
The problem is that we all live in a deluded world where we feel that our conscious mind is responsible for our success. But it is only when we can let go of this belief, and get out of our own way that we provide the fertile environment to ignite our peak performance. Then we find The Zone.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Golf, Luck, Poker, Sport
Think lucky, and you just might get lucky!
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Golf, Sport
Golfer Andy has responded to my video challenge and has asked for my help to cut 15 shots of his golf score. This will reduce his handicap from 24 to 9.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Golf, Sport
Anjelika had a great first day in Amsterdam on her European Tour debut. She easily made the cut, despite being ill on Day 2. Coincidentally she and Miles Collins, another tour player, both find one of my comments helpful when playing golf.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Golf, Mind, Personal Development, Sport
To order to win, first you must lose, and sometimes many times over.