by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Havening, Weekly Blog
You may remember this FREE offer from my last Blog. I have been working with some top sports stars this year as they tour the world. Sometimes I can be with them, sometimes not. So could my methods work remotely via Skype? There was only one way to find out – to...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Havening, Weekly Blog
I have been very lucky this month – so far! Probably more lucky than the whole of last year, and that was a cracker! One of my clients has been SPECTACULARLY lucky. More details later….. One of the successes was my GET REAL RESULTS NOW seminar in...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Havening, Weekly Blog
2014 has already been my most successful year as a coach by far. I can only coach a handful of elite performers at any one time because there are only so many hours in a day. However these few stars are posting personal best performances, having fun all over the...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
Almost every sport now recognises the importance of the mind, and the role that mind coaches can play in raising performance and producing results. As examples so far in 2014 I have been kept busy with requests from the varied arenas of international...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
How to win a million dollars? I’ll let Tony explain…. A few days ago I recorded an interview with my good friend, elite performance expert Doctor Stephen Simpson. He’s appeared on numerous TV and radio outlets talking about the psychology of health, wealth...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
What does my recent role as Darwin in a TV documentary, Tiger Woods, and the academic International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching have in common? They all highlight the potential dangers of coaching. There is only one person responsible for...