Entrainment & Law of Attraction

by | Oct 24, 2023 | Articles, Personal Development

Recent blogs about the law of attraction have continued to generate much comment. I am pleased to report that there has been another great result. A young man was struggling to find a suitable job after repeated disappointments and then received two offers on the same day! He has already started his dream job and I’m sure he will be very successful.

The problem with the law of attraction is that nobody knows how and why it works. Fortunately it is one of these things that we do not need to understand, but just to follow it.

However people often ask me for my explanation and so I felt a responsibility to provide at least a little more information. As I mentioned previously my view for what it is worth is that quantum theory is involved somewhere. Throughout history there are many examples of magic that have been explained years later by advances in science. I would not be surprised if the law of attraction will be one of them.

During my research it did not take me long to realise that quantum theory is way beyond my level of comprehension. After several serious headaches I gave up, and will leave further explanation to others who are better qualified than me. However I have been able to understand at least some pieces of this jigsaw and will share them with you over the next few weeks.


A starting point is entrainment. Christiaan Huygens was a Dutch physicist who was interested in pendulum clocks. He noticed in 1665 that when he mounted two pendulum clocks on the wall their pendulums would swing  synchronously after about 18 hours.

Just like the law of attraction this has remained a puzzle to the present day. It appears that some exchange of energy is taking place as if the clocks were speaking to each other. Huygens described this phenomenal as entrainment.

There are many other examples of entrainment in nature. Animals synchronise their breeding cycles and sleep patterns. There is some evidence that humans do too. Walk across a busy bridge and you will notice that after a few steps most people will be walking in time with each other. If the bridge is not strong enough this will set up resonant waves that could cause the bridge to collapse. This was a real problem for the London Millennium Bridge when it was first opened. It is also why squads of soldiers are ordered to stop marching when crossing any bridge.

Other examples include foot and toe tapping when listening to music. Audience clapping is a another rhythm that develops its own synchrony.

I hope you find these examples interesting but you might be asking yourself the question “what does this have to do with me? Why is the subject considered important enough to be a topic for Steve’s personal development blogs?”

There is a good reason and it just might explain why meditation or deep reflective thought can be so beneficial, and how they might even magnify the law of attraction.

If you attend meditation classes you will notice that after a certain length of time many of the other participants are breathing in synchrony with each other. Hypnotherapists are well aware that the same phenomenon occurs with their clients.

It might also explain why meditation machines are becoming increasingly popular. Their combination of light and sound pulses are thought to induce neural entrainment of the brainwaves. Delta and theta waves are particularly important because they play a crucial role in memory and higher cognitive function.

Meditation is one of the seven secrets in my new book Get Lucky Now! and definitely one that you should seriously consider adopting in some shape or form.

Earlier this year I wrote about synchronicity and the work of Carl Jung and the collective unconscious. Synchronicity is a big part of this blog too, so there is a common thread that I hope will continue in the next few articles. Whether they provide any answers is a much bigger question. We will soon find out!


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Coaching & Consultations

Ready to Work with Dr. Simpson?

Book consultation sessions and join Dr. Simpson’s one-on-one coaching programs. Dr Simpson coaches champions, but everyone is welcome to use these services!

Dr Simpson employs many different techniques including Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis and Mindset coaching.

With a blend of clinical expertise and cutting-edge experimental techniques, the sessions provide a safe and supportive environment for you to explore the vast landscape of your consciousness.

Dr Stephen Simpson