Podcast Interviews

Dr. Simpson enjoys speaking with talented media personalities and professionals. Here you can find some of the great conversations. 

We are one podcast

This podcast is an edited extract from the conclusion of one of my recent books The Psychoic Revolution, which was published about 18 months ago. This is the book that I enjoyed writing the most, though it wasn't the easiest by a long way. This particular chapter...

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Fear vs Hope – Part 1

Step back and take a wider view of natural laws. The greatest miracle of the universe is the perfect balance that exists in all life forms, and indeed in inert objects too. This balance in our biological processes is sometimes referred to in eastern cultures as yin...

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Zestology Review of 2019 Podcast, with Tony Wrighton

Tony and I go back a long way. We are firm friends, and always enjoy working together on various projects. Zestology is a brilliant channel, and these are his best bits from 2019. There are some awesome guests, and I am honoured and humbled to be one of them. Enjoy!

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Fear vs Hope vs Faith – Part 2 Podcast

In Part 1 of this blog I explained my model of the reptile brain, and why our veneer of civilisation is only wafer thin. Put people under enough pressure and they turn into lizards. In the unlikely event you have any doubts about this please visit your local...

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This is the final post in this series about fear, and the focus is now on faith and infinite intelligence.

In part three of this series of blogs I talked about the havoc that ego can cause to our well-being. Ego lives in the conscious mind and tries to control everything. Fortunately ego sooner or later becomes exhausted and requires sleep. The good news is that at last the deepest and most powerful parts of our brain can have their voice heard. This is our unconscious mind. Never underestimate the power of sleep to allow processing of deep thoughts.

In part three I concluded that achieving a flow state can only be achieved when the ego is silenced, and when our higher powers are activated. This higher power can only come from one of two places, inside or outside ourselves.

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books by dr stephen simpson on mindset coaching, executive, nlp poker golf