by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Acting, Articles, Golf, Mind
If you put the work in, you cannot lose, you are at the best you can be, and with this knowledge comes an overwhelming calmness. The top performers in all works of life are the ones who have done all the prep work and actually enjoy the event of performance.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Acting, Articles, Golf, Personal Development
Celebrating my first film; freebies on my YouTube channel; how you can achieve goals without a coach and more!
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Acting, Articles, NLP, Weekly Blog
The following visualization technique brings together many of the concepts that I developed while acting. The “Direct the 5✮ Movie of Your Best Life” exercise allows you to consciously change your perspective and when that happens, you always profit from this new viewpoint. Besides, you will see yourself with greater clarity and more like how others see you.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Acting, Articles
Try this simple technique to get the best performance on the day of the shoot. Just whisper one simple point for to think about before the red light comes on. Perhaps about posture, timing of a line, or a tiny eye movement. Read this article to learn more.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Acting, Personal Development, Weekly Blog
A FREE Gift? What’s the catch? Absolutely nothing, although it would be nice if you could leave a comment on YouTube. This audiobook will shortly be published on iTunes, and it was also be great if you let me know of any improvements I could make to it before...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Acting, Personal Development, Weekly Blog
I’ve just finished working at Ealing Film Studios, learning how to be a film actor, or at least polishing up my presentation skills. And very interesting it was too. As always my thoughts are now drifting to the question, ‘How can I use what I have learnt...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
I am half way through a four week Acting for TV & Film course at Ealing studios. I’ve already discovered some of the secrets of the acting profession, and very interesting they are too. More importantly, as usual, these secrets can also be used in our lives....