There are many reasons why Aesop’s stories have resonated so strongly with people of all ages and all cultures for at least 2,500 years.
Every story has at least one powerful point which I can use in my work with elite performers. Everybody has the potential to be an elite performer in at least one area of their life, so these videos are well worth checking out.
This is the curious story of the gullible weasel, and the quick witted bat. Planning and preparation works well most of the time, but sometimes we need to rip up the rule book and improvise. It might make the difference between life and...
The charcoal burner and the fuller lived in the same village and became friends. However there very different jobs placed a limit on their friendship. Whether this limit was real or imagined is the question? As usual with Aesop there are several different conclusions...
Sometimes a reward may not be what it seems. A badge of honour can in reality be a badge of dishonour to everybody else. You might say the vicious dog got what he deserved. Or you might feel sorry for him perhaps?
There is a popular saying that if something sounds too good to be true it probably is. I prefer to look on the bright side of life, and at least consider anything that looks good. On this occasion the mice were correct, and were not fooled by the cat’s clumsy...
The mice had suffered enough and they really had to take action. They called an Extraordinary General Meeting to discuss how to deal with the vicious cat. They came up with a cunning plan but unfortunately forgot one critical detail. We often make the same mistake...
I went to medical school in Birmingham, and what a wonderful city it was and still is. However the bus service in those days had a mind of its own. A common expression was, “This is just like a Birmingham bus. You wait hours for one, and then six turn up at...
Perhaps we should truly value what we already have, rather than think too much about what we want in the future? Not for the first time less is often more.