Chaos Theory – How We Can Use It For A Richer Life

Chaos Theory – How We Can Use It For A Richer Life

In 1972, mathematician and meteorologist, Edward Lorenz posed a trick question in his book, Predictability: Does the Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings in Brazil set off a Tornado in Texas?. My guess is ‘Possibly.’ Is it possible that human behaviour can be similarly chaotic, and if so how can we use this information? Read this article to learn all about Chaos theory, and how we can use it in our daily lives for more health, wealth, and happiness.

Why Lessons Do Not Work

Why Lessons Do Not Work

Perhaps your idea of a golf lesson is an incorrect one, where the “darn” Golf Professional is going to bombard you with new and difficult techniques that will take a long time to implement, if ever. In the meantime you will probably be unable to get the ball around 18 holes. Luckily this is not true, and I firmly believe that the best coaches are flexible in their methods so that the individual can enjoy his game, have fun and improve, all at the same time.

Our Reptilian Brain

Our Reptilian Brain

We are more reptilian than we might like to think Is it because of our reptilian brain that we find it so difficult to explain the extremes of human behaviour that we see in ourselves and in others? That is a pretty tough question to answer. I often use the...

Are You A Showroomer?

I found this story on the BBC site, and it resonated with me immediately for a number of reasons. Perhaps it will with you too. There is a point to the story that we can all profit from. ‘Have you ever seen something you wanted in a shop, tried it, checked the...


  I have been very lucky this month – so far! Probably more lucky than the whole of last year, and that was a cracker! One of my clients has been SPECTACULARLY lucky. More details later….. One of the successes was my GET REAL RESULTS NOW seminar in...