We Are Not Alone – Part 2
In Part 1 of this blog I suggested we are not alone, but connected to the 8 billion other people who we share our planet with. People either get this concept, or they don’t. Even if they get just a little bit it is often enough to catapult their life to at least the next level.

Fight Stress With Process, and Win
Focus on process and let the results take care of themselves. Consider your sport, and list ten daily processes that would define a successful day. Read this article on how this works to improve your results.

Chaos Theory – How We Can Use It For A Richer Life
In 1972, mathematician and meteorologist, Edward Lorenz posed a trick question in his book, Predictability: Does the Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings in Brazil set off a Tornado in Texas?. My guess is ‘Possibly.’ Is it possible that human behaviour can be similarly chaotic, and if so how can we use this information? Read this article to learn all about Chaos theory, and how we can use it in our daily lives for more health, wealth, and happiness.

Five Psychiatric Disorders ‘Linked’
Psychiatric labels are often misleading, and of limited value in developing an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

Yes, You Can Train Your Brain
Did you know that your brain is a muscle? Maybe you have heard the saying ‘use it or lose it’ regarding your brain power. You should never underestimate your brain’s power; it is the most remarkable muscle in our body! You will find examples of brain...
Analysis Paralysis
This extract from my putting book explains how to manage ‘Analysis paralysis’ or brain overload.

Has F1’s Lewis Hamilton Read My Book?
Probably not, but judging from his recent comments he easily could have read Push At Open Doors. In an interview with BBC, he talks about his steering wheel, which controls his car. You have a steering wheel too, which controls your life. Perhaps this wheel could also...
Confidence – Look Like You Feel and Feel Like You Look
Confidence is a very influential component for getting lucky. Here is another simple technique taken from my book Get Lucky Now that you can practice to attract more confidence into your life. Think for a moment of a person who is nervous, or how you might look and...
Greatness Isn’t Born. It’s Grown.
I’m fascinated by holes-in-one in golf. They are flukes, or are they? In this article, I review a book that shows draws on cutting-edge research to reveal that, far from being some abstract mystical power fixed at birth, ability really can be created and nurtured.

Why Lessons Do Not Work
Perhaps your idea of a golf lesson is an incorrect one, where the “darn” Golf Professional is going to bombard you with new and difficult techniques that will take a long time to implement, if ever. In the meantime you will probably be unable to get the ball around 18 holes. Luckily this is not true, and I firmly believe that the best coaches are flexible in their methods so that the individual can enjoy his game, have fun and improve, all at the same time.