by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Acting, Articles, Golf, Mind
If you put the work in, you cannot lose, you are at the best you can be, and with this knowledge comes an overwhelming calmness. The top performers in all works of life are the ones who have done all the prep work and actually enjoy the event of performance.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Hypnotherapy, Mind, Personal Development
The reason is that feeling confident is the default normal state for all of us. It is when we have problems with other emotions that confidence hides away in some deep part of our brain. So my approach with clients who want more confidence is not to search for it, but to search for the factors that that are blocking our natural confidence.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
Maybe anxiety strikes you from the moment your alarm goes off in the morning. Perhaps it hits when your boss tells you that he needs to speak with you in his office before the end of the day. With training, it’s possible to come out on the other side of anxiety.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Personal Development
I’ve spent so many years confronting barriers that my mind no longer recognises them, and jumps straight to solutions. So having to think about and identify common barriers to success was an illuminating exercise. These are the ones I came up with.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Acting, Articles, Golf, Mind, Personal Development, Poker
All of us at some point have to step out of our comfort zone. My general advice to anybody is to accept nothing without exploring all other possible options.