by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
This post has taken me much longer to prepare than normal because we are living in truly extraordinary times. When I started putting a few thoughts together the virus epidemic seemed less serious than it does now. Since then millions of people have been affected in...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Hypnotherapy
I was asked this question yesterday. “What do you love most about being a coach?” I was very busy so just replied with one word. I gave it little thought which probably meant the response came from a very deep part of my brain. The word was...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Personal Development, Weekly Blog
The phrase “living in one percent of reality” can be interpreted in a few different ways. When my clients grasp even the smallest degree of understanding about this concept, their performances are propelled to a much higher level than they expected, or believed they were capable of reaching. What feels so real to us is largely an illusion of our own making.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Podcasts
The difference between thinking and knowing This just might be the most important podcast I have ever posted. If you can get even a small part of this concept it can change your life. It did for me. I want to know how clients can perform out of their skin to a higher...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Podcasts
Step back and take a wider view of natural laws. The greatest miracle of the universe is the perfect balance that exists in all life forms, and indeed in inert objects too. This balance in our biological processes is sometimes referred to in eastern cultures as yin...