Use Your Mantra & Get Lucky

Use Your Mantra & Get Lucky

I thought it might help to summarise why the mantra is important to all my clients. A mantra is just a few sentences that is your game plan. It is what you take to work each day, take to the sports arena, or use with your friends and families. Although the concept...

Look Backwards For Success

Read on even if you have no interest in golf, because the priceless tip I give below works for anything in life. I have just returned from Sweden working with Anjelika Hammar on the Ladies European Tour. She asked me to caddy for her, and very enjoyable it was too. It...

How To Annoy People

I received many very appreciative comments about my last blog. But a few people asked what the connection was between golf and Jack The Ripper? Good question. So now is the perfect time to repeat an important point. My clients are a diverse group. About the only thing...