Preparation Prevents Pressure
If you put the work in, you cannot lose, you are at the best you can be, and with this knowledge comes an overwhelming calmness. The top performers in all works of life are the ones who have done all the prep work and actually enjoy the event of performance.

Live As If You Are Already Dead
Anjelika had a great first day in Amsterdam on her European Tour debut. She easily made the cut, despite being ill on Day 2. Coincidentally she and Miles Collins, another tour player, both find one of my comments helpful when playing golf.

Learning From Losing
To order to win, first you must lose, and sometimes many times over.

Karl Morris Interviews Steve About Luck
Steve was interviewed by Karl Morris about luck and elite performance. Karl is one of Europe’s leading Performance Coaches who has worked with and achieved success with SIX Major winners and over a 100 PGA Tour, European Tour, LPGA and Ladies European Tour golfers....
Do Something You Have Always Wanted To Do
Celebrating my first film; freebies on my YouTube channel; how you can achieve goals without a coach and more!

Put Yourself in the Picture
People with vivid visualisation skills do extremely well, and fortunately these skills can be learnt. So whatever you wish to achieve in life be sure to put yourself in the picture.

The 10,000 Hours Myth
My clients are posting huge international successes, and these do not happen without a lot of effort by both coach and client. These are the two comments that recur time and time again in my discussions about luck to the point where they become worrying. The harder...
The Mystery of Coaching
If it is difficult to identify the best coaching techniques, it is even more difficult to identify a great coach.
Golfing World Profiles Anjelika Hammar and Our Work Together
This television clip of Tour player Anjelika Hammer and our work together has been very popular. It demonstrates some of the reasons why Anjelika has reached the top level of golf, and why she deserves to fly higher still. Also we are getting closer to publishing my...
How I use Havening in Poker, Golf, and Life
I was recently interviewed by Harry Pickens about how I use havening in poker, golf, and life. Here is the script, and a full audio version is also posted below. This interview will also be a chapter in Harry’s new book.
Look Backwards For Success
Read on even if you have no interest in golf, because the priceless tip I give below works for anything in life. I have just returned from Sweden working with Anjelika Hammar on the Ladies European Tour. She asked me to caddy for her, and very enjoyable it was too. It...
How To Keep Your New Year Resolutions
What are your resolutions this year? One thing is for sure, writing is the doing part of thinking. So write them down, and this will be the result.

Poker and Golf are the Ultimate Mind Games
Pro poker player Rory Brown shares some tips. Good advice for golfers too.

Greatness Isn’t Born. It’s Grown.
I’m fascinated by holes-in-one in golf. They are flukes, or are they? In this article, I review a book that shows draws on cutting-edge research to reveal that, far from being some abstract mystical power fixed at birth, ability really can be created and nurtured.

Why Lessons Do Not Work
Perhaps your idea of a golf lesson is an incorrect one, where the “darn” Golf Professional is going to bombard you with new and difficult techniques that will take a long time to implement, if ever. In the meantime you will probably be unable to get the ball around 18 holes. Luckily this is not true, and I firmly believe that the best coaches are flexible in their methods so that the individual can enjoy his game, have fun and improve, all at the same time.