Look Backwards For Success

Read on even if you have no interest in golf, because the priceless tip I give below works for anything in life. I have just returned from Sweden working with Anjelika Hammar on the Ladies European Tour. She asked me to caddy for her, and very enjoyable it was too. It...
Why Lessons Do Not Work

Why Lessons Do Not Work

Perhaps your idea of a golf lesson is an incorrect one, where the “darn” Golf Professional is going to bombard you with new and difficult techniques that will take a long time to implement, if ever. In the meantime you will probably be unable to get the ball around 18 holes. Luckily this is not true, and I firmly believe that the best coaches are flexible in their methods so that the individual can enjoy his game, have fun and improve, all at the same time.

Tiger Escapes From Circus In Augusta

On Saturday a tiger escaped in Augusta, Georgia, USA. More accurately the zoo keeper decided to open the cage door, and who knows how much damage will result from this decision? My understanding is that the zoo keeper justified his action by saying he was only going...