by Dr. Stephen Simpson | 3 Principles, Articles, Havening, Mind
Psychologist Carl Jung viewed luck as synchronicity, and described luck as a meaningful coincidence. So he, like me, believed that luck is not entirely random.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Personal Development
There are many examples of entrainment in nature. Animals synchronise their breeding cycles and sleep patterns. There is some evidence that humans do too – tapping tapping when listening to music, audience clapping together, etc. Entrainment is a good reason why meditation or deep reflective thought can be so beneficial, and how they might even magnify the law of attraction.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Luck
In the past I would use the words coincidence, chance, serendipity, collective unconscious, and synchronicity randomly as alternatives to the word luck. Little did I know that I was missing out on a huge opportunity to improve my life. The good news is that I am...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Mind, Weekly Blog
We are more reptilian than we might like to think Is it because of our reptilian brain that we find it so difficult to explain the extremes of human behaviour that we see in ourselves and in others? That is a pretty tough question to answer. I often use the...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | 3 Principles, Articles, Weekly Blog
I was introduced to the philosophy of the 3 principles about four years ago, and it did not immediately resonate with me. A friend rekindled my interest and as a result I have been incorporating these principles into my life on a daily basis for the last three years....