by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Poker
I’ve dropped several hints over the last few weeks that this has been a very special year for my clients. I’ve also offered some outstanding bargain prices on my programmes too. Those who seized them have done pretty well. A great example is professional poker player...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Bioresonance
Our heart rhythms affect the brain’s ability to
process information. Learn how the physical and energetic heart plays an extraordinary
role in our lives.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Mind, Personal Development
I was interviewed by TV presenter and author Tony Wrighton about my work. Or was I interviewing him? Judge for yourself. Here is Tony’s description of our chat. Dr. Stephen Simpson is an Elite Performance Coach, medical doctor, and NLP expert who specialises in...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Acting, Personal Development, Weekly Blog
A FREE Gift? What’s the catch? Absolutely nothing, although it would be nice if you could leave a comment on YouTube. This audiobook will shortly be published on iTunes, and it was also be great if you let me know of any improvements I could make to it before...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Havening, Weekly Blog
I have been very lucky this month – so far! Probably more lucky than the whole of last year, and that was a cracker! One of my clients has been SPECTACULARLY lucky. More details later….. One of the successes was my GET REAL RESULTS NOW seminar in...