Mindfulness as a Mind-control Technique
Mindfulness is gaining increasing popularity as a mind-control technique. It is being taught to patients in hospitals, children in schools, and business executives as part of their management development. Mindfulness has helped so many people it’s well worth our...
Nobody Said It Would Be Easy
The problem is that we all live in a deluded world where we feel that our conscious mind is responsible for our success. But it is only when we can let go of this belief, and get out of our own way that we provide the fertile environment to ignite our peak performance. Then we find The Zone.

You Do Not Need Any More Confidence
The reason is that feeling confident is the default normal state for all of us. It is when we have problems with other emotions that confidence hides away in some deep part of our brain. So my approach with clients who want more confidence is not to search for it, but to search for the factors that that are blocking our natural confidence.

Hack Your Brain Fast! Meditate in Minutes!
Learn to meditate within minutes! This short video cuts out all the jargon, dogma, and rituals. Get your head in a better place, and the rest of your body will follow. My YouTube channel is the GO TO destination for busy people like you who want to hack their brain...
Mindfulness Made Easy. Act Now!
A Simple Technique For Mindfulness. The following video about mindfulness may be the most important one that I have recorded to date.

Can’t Live with our Brains, Can’t Live without Them
The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.

What Are Your Barriers To Success?
I’ve spent so many years confronting barriers that my mind no longer recognises them, and jumps straight to solutions. So having to think about and identify common barriers to success was an illuminating exercise. These are the ones I came up with.

So Who Was Jack The Ripper?
One evening last week I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and not for the first time either. The evening plans were trashed, so what to do? In such circumstances the reptilean genes often kick off, and I was drawn to follow the herd who appeared to know what...
The Mysteries Of The Heart
Our heart rhythms affect the brain’s ability to process information. Learn how the physical and energetic heart plays an extraordinary role in our lives.

Living in the 1% of reality
The phrase “living in one percent of reality” can be interpreted in a few different ways. When my clients grasp even the smallest degree of understanding about this concept, their performances are propelled to a much higher level than they expected, or believed they were capable of reaching. What feels so real to us is largely an illusion of our own making.