What Are Your Barriers To Success?
I’ve spent so many years confronting barriers that my mind no longer recognises them, and jumps straight to solutions. So having to think about and identify common barriers to success was an illuminating exercise. These are the ones I came up with.
Chaos Theory – How We Can Use It For A Richer Life
In 1972, mathematician and meteorologist, Edward Lorenz posed a trick question in his book, Predictability: Does the Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings in Brazil set off a Tornado in Texas?. My guess is ‘Possibly.’ Is it possible that human behaviour can be similarly chaotic, and if so how can we use this information? Read this article to learn all about Chaos theory, and how we can use it in our daily lives for more health, wealth, and happiness.
Artistotle said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” Without self-knowledge we drift, or even worse, we waste our time and energy on goals that are meaningless or beyond our control. Not much has changed over the last three thousand years.
Put Yourself in the Picture
People with vivid visualisation skills do extremely well, and fortunately these skills can be learnt. So whatever you wish to achieve in life be sure to put yourself in the picture.