by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Acting, Articles, Havening, Mind
The work I did whilst filming with a dragon lizard gave me ideas for a revolutionary technique that I could use with my clients. We have had some incredible successes since then. I call it the reptile relaxation reflex.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Golf, Mind, Personal Development, Poker, Sport
My clients are posting huge international successes, and these do not happen without a lot of effort by both coach and client. These are the two comments that recur time and time again in my discussions about luck to the point where they become worrying. The harder...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Sport
Probably not, but judging from his recent comments he easily could have read Push At Open Doors. In an interview with BBC, he talks about his steering wheel, which controls his car. You have a steering wheel too, which controls your life. Perhaps this wheel could also...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Havening, Personal Development, Weekly Blog
As I wrote last week, I can honestly say that Havening is the most exciting technique for finding the zone that I have ever used. I was working with Paul McKenna as a member of his training team recently as he introduced this technique, called Havening, and could not...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
I found this story on the BBC site, and it resonated with me immediately for a number of reasons. Perhaps it will with you too. There is a point to the story that we can all profit from. ‘Have you ever seen something you wanted in a shop, tried it, checked the...