by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Havening, NLP, Podcasts, Poker
Sky TV sports presenter Tony Wrighton visited me in Portugal to talk about my poker adventure, and a lot of other things too.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
How to win a million dollars? I’ll let Tony explain…. A few days ago I recorded an interview with my good friend, elite performance expert Doctor Stephen Simpson. He’s appeared on numerous TV and radio outlets talking about the psychology of health, wealth...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Bioresonance, NLP, Podcasts, Weekly Blog
Zestology Podcast It is hard to believe that TV presenter and founder of Zestology Tony Wrighton and me have been working together for 10 years. I have lost count of the number of projects we have created but this Q & A session is at least as good as any of them....
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | NLP, Weekly Blog
Studies prove that there’s more to distract us than ever before. It can be hard to put down the phone or switch off the laptop, and the constant little dopamine hits we receive from notifications, likes, emails and more have a seriously negative effect on our...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Podcasts
Zestology’s Tony Wrighton interviews Steve about music “He’s back. Friend of the show and full of wisdom – Dr. Stephen Simpson is today on Zestology 🍊 and we are talking the surprising effects of music, and how it can help you to chill...