by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Articles, Havening, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Personal Development
Watch video and read this article to learn about hypnotherapy, knowing what you want out of life and a a psycho-sensory technique to attract health, wealth and happiness into your life.
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Havening, Weekly Blog
2014 has already been my most successful year as a coach by far. I can only coach a handful of elite performers at any one time because there are only so many hours in a day. However these few stars are posting personal best performances, having fun all over the...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
Where are you in your life right now? Hopefully you will be going large on health, wealth, and happiness. Get this balance right and you will be laughing. If one or more of these buckets is a bit light then life will be somewhat less comfortable. I was networking last...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Luck
This post is the latest in a series narrating my experiences when researching and writing my book called Get Lucky Now. This series of posts will include excerpts from Get Lucky Now which is available on Amazon. This is the link –...
by Dr. Stephen Simpson | Weekly Blog
I am fascinated by the workings of our mind. I spend hours every day trying to understand even a little more about a subject which is largely beyond human comprehension. I came to the conclusion that the more I studied the more confused I became. It was time for me to...