This week let’s discuss the way we speak and the power it can bring and the perils to avoid.
Professor George Poulos in his book, ‘On the Origins of Human Speech and Language’ writes, “..early Man would have had to rely on an effective medium of communication that could convey information in the form of speech.. It could very well have arisen at a time when there was a desperate need to survive as a species. A life-dependent need could have provided the very motivation for triggering a dynamic process of communication..”
This was a time when we were transitioning from the first brain development stage, the reptilian brain, and is the least developed part of our brain, associated with primitive behaviours such as aggression, protection of territory and ritual displays of basic emotions.
The next level of the brain is called the limbic system. This is also a widely used term and it was Paul Maclean who introduced this term. His view was that this part of the brain was also instinctive but involved in higher social behaviours. Behaviours such as feeding and providing parental support are seen in human beings and in fish and birds. As far as I am aware reptiles show little social nurturing behaviours other than eating their offspring given half a chance. 😛
The highest level of brain development relates to our cortex. This is where we have our most complicated thoughts, such as language, perception of our environment, planning, logical thought, and also the formulation of abstract ideas.
Our speech in general defines our behaviour. In turn, our behaviour(s) define our survival and success. Speech comes from thought and as a species we have grossly underestimated the power that the reptilian brain has on our thoughts.
Reptile thinking is never more prevalent than during times of stress and conflict. It brings out our worst qualities, and sadly there is plenty of stress around at the moment. So anything that we can do to chill the power of our reptilian brain will be more important now than ever before.
In my latest video on Transformation Talk Network, I discuss how to stay out of trouble and develop your persuasion and influence skills to at least the next level.
I hope you enjoyed this video. If you follow the simple suggestions I have in this video, a lot more people are going to be interested in what you’re saying or sharing with them.
If you really want to spend a little time daily to practice my techniques, my course, Zen and the Art of Being Smart is for you. It will help balance your speech to achieve more positive consequences and enhance your persuasion skills and communication skills.
Please do share this newsletter with all your friends and family and everybody else, even the people you don’t like because who knows they might like you.. let’s all raise the vibration of our world to a higher frequency because it certainly needs it.
And as always, please feel free to write to me if you have any questions.
Think better, Become better!
Doc Steve